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Influencers that are changing the world one post at a time

Harry nista


A young influencer on social media with over 480k followers is changing perceptions of consumers who look into the full warbrobe and say "Oh I don't have anything to wear". Harry Nista silences all of them but literally using random fabrics and objects found in his surrounding to style himself and others. He makes himself the epitome of repurposing garments and encourages sustainability in a way it influencers a group of people who don't really care about sustianability.

He also promotes body positivity and helps people feel authentic and stylish in whatever status they belong to.


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Christiana Vardakou


A textile designer based in Athens who graduated from UAL London, specialises in eco printing; a very unique technic where the chlorophyll of the leaves are transferred onto fabrics. Her sustainable journey has been an inspiration to crave my own path into sustainable fashion. She continue to explore with different natural materials which leads to less or no impact on the environment. She encourgaes others to follow her path to make a better tomorrow.


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Iris Van Herpen


"If a sculptor becomes a fashion designer" is the only way I could describe Iris Van Herpen's creations. Every piece is her collection amazes you with extraordinary details, construction and craftsmanship. How she implements her artisitic ideas, uses technology and manual labour to bring is to life is a metaphor for "outside the box thinking". Her garment are few things I would want in my wardrobe if I were a millionaire.​



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